Forgotten items policy of Yellow!
- When using a taxi, before exiting the vehicle, please check if you have dropped anything.
- We recommend ordering a taxi through the booking system, as it allows for quick checks and inquiries with the driver.
- When using a taxi without booking, always take your receipt, as it provides valuable information about the time and vehicle number.
- If you realize you left something in one of our taxis, immediately call our Call Center. Keep in mind that another customer may board the vehicle after you, so acting quickly is crucial!
- If you lost an item some time ago, please fill out the inquiry form, and we will contact you shortly.
- Dear customers, if you find an item in the vehicle, please give it to the driver so it can be returned. Do not take it with you!
Lost items are stored for one month.
To perform an accurate check, we need more information. Please send us what you have:
- Phone number, if you made a booking
- Your travel route
- Approximate time of arrival at your destination
- Which seat you were sitting in
- Information from the receipt
- Description of the lost item
Lost and Found Contact Numbers:
Sofia: +359 2 91119
Burgas: +359 888 515 335